Hi there!
Wherever you are, we hope you are keeping safe and well during these times. In the current COVID climate, employee wellbeing is more important than ever.
We are so passionate about mental health, so it seemed natural that our first post is about improving workplace wellbeing. We wanted to show you easy to implement HR ideas, tips and advice that can be rolled out by anyone at any workspace – so we’ve shared our seven key ways to improve workplace wellbeing below.
So what is employee wellbeing? How employees think, feel and behave has an impact on their productivity, absenteeism and ability to perform safely. Impacts of mental health cost Australian businesses $10.9 billion each year, so you could look at well-being initiatives as a preventative measure.
While they can’t prevent or reduce ALL mental health problems, it can help employees build mental strength and stay healthy, while giving them resources if they need help.
The key to implementing anything from the list below is for you or other leaders to ‘walk the talk’. If leaders in an organisation believe in what they are doing, then employees will adopt this behaviour. Communication is crucial – make sure you are informing your staff about any changes, how and why they are happening and the future vision behind it.
Simple and effective things you can do to improve employee wellbeing will benefit everyone! If you have anything questions about the areas below or need help rolling them out contact Karen on 0478 818 492 to discuss.
If you have an area you would like us to explore in a future post, please let us know.
The Latitude Recruitment Team.
Did you know that around 90 per cent of employees think mental health is an important issue for businesses,
but only 50 per cent believe their workplace is mentally healthy?
The State of Workplace Mental Health in Australia (pdf)
Do you offer flexible hours? If you can’t provide flexibility – could you have core hours staff must be present for but be flexible with start/finish times? Do you encourage employees to use leave for holidays or time off? Do you have realistic expectations of your employees and how much they work?
Can you have walking meetings? Can you implement a steps challenge/competition? Encourage people to get up from their desks throughout the day and walk around at breaks.
Supply fruit or healthy snacks in the lunchroom! When catering, make sure you include healthy choices or if you have after work drinks in the office – make sure you cater for non-alcoholic alternatives.
Do you have a meditation or yoga guru in your team? Could they lead a 5-minute practice every day/weekly? Could you pay for yoga classes? You could get a yoga teacher into your workplace or co-contribute if employees attend after hours.
Massages: Could you pay for a masseuse to come in once a month or quarter to give your team 15-minute massages? This is great as an employee incentive or to celebrate a win.
Choose a charity to support and set goals about what you want to achieve. Encourage employees to work towards these and together you will do great things for the community. It may be being a collection point for a charity/group, providing your expertise or raising needed funds.
Provide information to employees about who they can speak to outside the organisation.
Beyond Blue: 130022 4636
Lifeline:13 11 14
Both wonderful organisations with websites filled with support and guidance. You could provide this information when a person starts as a wallet card or posters up in high traffic areas. Posters and other resources are often free or low cost.
Can you add indoor plants? Can you let in more natural light or fresh air? Provide standing desks or ergonomic chairs. Do you have a usable outside space you could put a table and chairs to encourage people to have breaks outside?